Kinesiology & Coaching

Kinesiology identify the underlying causes of stress and provides feedback on what is needed to return to and maintain a state of balanced and optimal health. Bring your mind, body and soul into alignment with your heart's desires. 

Individual sessions are for people that want to pay as they go or simply want to see what Kinesiology can offer them.  

It is advised to have between three to six sessions to receive the most benefit.  If you think how long you have had an issue, you will understand you usually need more than just one session.  However this is totally up to the individual as we all experience things differently.

Just like anything we care about we look after, our body mind & soul greatly benefit from having regular self care, maintenance sessions.  Listen to your body, you will know when it’s time.

From my experience most people greatly benefit from at least three sessions, generally more if the issue is complex or long standing. 

This package allows you to commit to 3 sessions to work on your goal.  It is also more cost effective.

Payment plans are available.

There is no expiry date on the package, so have peace of mind you can take the time you need. 

Kinesiology works extremely well with children of all ages.  For younger ones or babies an adult will be involved during the session.  Children often don’t understand why they have certain behaviours, feelings or emotions.  Kinesiology is a perfect tool to support them, as it works with the underlying issues.  So they don’t need to be aware of the problem consciously.  Kinesiology clears the imbalances and supports them to be on their way again.  

Kids generally enjoy their session.  I like to keep it fun and lighthearted.  We read animal cards, check out their muscles, pick flower essences and they all love taking home a crystal.

If they don’t want to be involved, that’s totally fine.   I will work with the parent or caregiver which has the same benefit as working on the child. 

  • This 3 month program is for people that want to gain real momentum to move forward and achieve the results they truly desire. To transform their life.  
  • The first thing you will gain is Clarity on what it is you want to achieve.
  • Together we will discover why you haven’t been able to reach this result yet.
  • We will work on clearing the blocks in your way and align you with your goal.
  • Having a plan on how to move forward and the steps to take will support you during this process.
  • Taking step by step action you will see your result come to life. 
  • You will feel empowered throughout the process, knowing you can do this.
  • You will learn tools and techniques that you will use now and into your future.
  • Let’s make this time together, easy, achievable and focused on your results.
  • Our sessions will be fortnightly & approx 60mins. This may vary depending on your needs at the time.  
    You will have access to me via text / email during the 3 month cycle and I will respond within 24hr. 
  • After the 3 months cycle, we will celebrate your success and how far you have come in this time frame.  We all work at different paces & that is OK. You may be well on your way to achieving your results with the tools & resources you need.  Or you may be still working on your result & require another 3 month cycle.  
  • Our sessions will be via phone or video calls to allow us to work together anywhere you may be.
  • Please know you have peace of mind that for any reason, you can cancel during the 3 month cycle.  If this should occur, funds will be returned at a monthly amount for the months not yet entered into.
  • This is for people that have completed 3 – 6 months of coaching with me and are now achieving or are on their way to reaching their results and want to maintain focus and keep the momentum going.  
  • Everyone is different and will take a different amount of time to fully embody and create these new pathways and ways of being.  These support sessions are designed to help keep you on your track.
  • During the 2 sessions per month we will discuss where you are at and what support and guidance you need at that time.
  • Please note if something presents that we can’t finish within the 30 mins you have the option of booking an extra support session.  
  • Sessions are paid monthly with payment plans available.

Kinesiology can identify stress in the body in relation to foods and substances. Including dairy, gluten, dust mites, pollen and many chemicals just to name a few. Through the feedback mechanism of muscle testing, the body indicates what substances are causing a stress. Often there can be an emotional component as well which can be identified.  Once the substances are identified, several techniques can assist to reduce the stress within the body. 

You may need to book an individual kinesiology session to work further depending on the issues that present.  

A variety of food and chemical test kits (in a homeopathic form) are used during the session.  It can also be beneficial to bring along the foods or substances that you feel may be involved or want to test. 

I often work in conjunction with other practitioners to provide further insight into a person’s nutritional requirements.  This has been very effective. 

Kinesiology is used to identify which essence is most beneficial for you and the goal you are working towards.

Bush Flower Essences support the body emotionally.  Ian White Founder of Australian Bush Flower Essences states they are “catalysts to unlock your full potential, resolve negative beliefs & create emotional health & well being”. 
The effect of these Essences is similar to that of meditation in that they enable the person to access the wisdom of their Higher Self. They support a person to make changes in their life.  

Please Note: If you are having a Kinesiology Session, essences will often be given to support you and will be included in your kinesiology session price.  

Postage is an extra $10 or local pick up.

We all need support & guidance at times & that's ok.
Our bodies are constantly doing their best with what they have.
Go gentle & have kindness on yourself.
Seek the support you need.

Say Yes