Meet Tania


A warm welcome to you.  

I would like to introduce myself, my name is Tania Fechner and I have been a Professional Kinesiologist since 2010.  I began my career in health & well-being as a registered nurse in 1997 and in 2001 achieved my masters of midwifery. I found working with women and their families extremely rewarding and developed a particular interest in this field.  Starting my own family was a major turning point in my life and I discovered the healing properties of holistic therapies.  This sparked a passion to learn and explore further into the natural therapy field.

Tania Fechner

I love to learn and expand my skills and knowledge. Kinesiology has allowed me to combine all that I know and bring it into my practice.  Each person’s situation is different and so are their needs.  From the valuable knowledge and experience I have gained in the following modalities, I am able to support each person in a way that suits their individual needs.  Kinesiology allows me to identify what is of most benefit for a person. 

Tania can support you to:

  • Reduce Stress & Anxiety.
  • Increase Health & Vitality.
  • Release Emotional Blockages.
  • Support Lifestyle Changes.
  • Reduce Pain and Discomfort.
  • Identify Food Sensitivities.

Tania Fechner 0407270901

Distance is no boundary. I support and guide people from afar or in person. With video zoom sessions, people can be in the comfort of their own lounge and still receive all the benefits of sitting with me in person.